A Cry for Justice (Gilaman Wazir)

My heart is Echoes of the Mountains, 
A Cry for Justice. 
My heart is heavy, shadows everywhere,

Injustice, unfairness, inhumanity in the air.

Not bound by race, yet racism it’s called,

My heart bleeds, my spirit appalled.
For my Pashtoon community,
I weep and cry,
In the land of mountains, 
where hopes should fly.

My voice shivers, expressing the pain,

Of Wazir family, enduring endless strain.
Mountains calling, now mountains cry,

Echoing our anguish to the sky.

Why us? Why Pashtuns, why this fate?

Oh motherland, your love innate.
Protected we stand, yet suffering we bear,

Injustice surrounds us, life so unfair.

Why us? We ask, with hearts worn thin,

Seeking solace, strength from within.
In the name of Gilamaan Wazir, 
we stand tall,
Facing adversities, 
together we call.
For justice, for peace, 
for our community’s right,

In the echoes of mountains, 
we continue our fight.
A Cry for Justice, 
My heart is Echoes of the Mountains. 


  1. Our hearts resonate with the mountains' echoes, demanding justice and peace for our community....


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