Hazara Genocide "Dark 20 years in Balochistan"

       Author Tayyaba kakar



Hazargi speaking ethnic group are known as hazaras. Originally they are from hazarajat region located in central parts of Afghanistan like bamyan, jaghori and daykundi. However, they are distributed among different regions of the world. In Pakistan majority of this ethnic group resides in Quetta, covering around 1500,000 population of the province and are said to be the most educated community of Baluchistan.

Hazaras being in minority are suppressed and oppressed from their rights for about last several years. Though the constitution of Pakistan guaranteed the rights of minorities, still they are suffering for no reason. International conventions and organizations guaranteed the rights of minorities, still they are deprived of basic and fundamental right that is “right to life”. WHY? They cannot move freely in Quetta. They are limited to few areas like hazara town and Alamdar road. WHY? At the age when children play on roads, ride bicycles on roads, their children are protesting WHY?.For about 2,500 hazaras offered asylum WHY?. Why would they seek asylum if they were safe in their own state. WHY? Hazaras students are seeking admission in abroad because they are aware with the fact that they will not be allowed to study here in one piece.



Sectarian violence has been started since 1963 the “THERHI MASSACRE” on the day of Ashura in which approximately 118 shias were killed in Sindh,but then with the time it has been realized that being humans we all have right to live freely, this extremism will let us nowhere but to deaths.


A vehicle was trapped near phool ghali chock in which eight hazaras were killed.


Hazara parents were afraid of sending their children to school, as they know if they went out to pick their children they would definitely be targeted, as religious extremism were making its way to coffins of innocents.


11 Police Officials were fired in an attack upon van in which majority was of hazara officials. Bomb blast at imambargha situated in mechangi road. More than 50 hazara families lost their lives and loved ones.


An Ashura procession was attacked which left 24 people dead and many injured. The attackers first threw hand grenade, followed by firing as the demonstration reached the main business district of the city. It was reported that most victims were hazara.


Sectarian violence taking place across the state, among which hazaras were targeted the most.


Many hazara figures were assassinated, like chairman of hazara democratic party Hussain Ali Yousaf, engineer Ahmed Ali Najaf, lawyer Walayat Hussain.


Suicide bomb attack during a rally killed around 50 people and many were injured. In the same year hazaras were abducted, later killed.


In May, a rocket and gun attack over hazaras children women and men. Then in spini road a Suzuki was attacked by unknown armed men, many hazaras including women were killed.


A suicide bomb attack on bus having many hazara pilgrims from Iran. Policemen, women were also killed in that infortune incident. This was not enough to prove how inhuman humans are roaming in the province, in the same year taxes were fired by gunmen and many hazaras died and others were left wounded. An hazara man was targeted and killed near askari park airport road Quetta. Seven hazara gunshot dead by armed men on motorcycle. Four hazara men were gunshot dead near kabahri market sirki road Quetta namely Ata Ali, Muhammad Ibrahim, Ghulam Ali Syed awiz.Two hazaras were killed outside the passport office on joint road. Two more hazara shop keepers were killed in meconghy road Quetta namely Ali akbar and Ali raza.


A blast that took place at kirani road near hazara town for about 84 people were killed and more than hundred hazaras were injured. Deadly attack in a snooker club where majority of people were hazara. Car bomb blast near Alamdar road Quetta 81 people were killed and more than 121 were injured.

Even the attack on SBK women university was the outcome of sectarian extremism and often took many beautiful lives of students.


Attack on a bus in Mastung in which about 30 hazaras were killed. They were actually the pilgrims coming from Iran to Quetta.


Countless incidents took place at spini road.In one day from same family brother and sister were killed. Every single day the complete spini road used to be blocked because of these incidents.


Pakistan commission for human rights reported that 509 hazaras were killed in different disastrous terror incidents


A suicide bomb attack on an open market place where majority of hazaras live. The target of aggressor was only hazaras. For about 22 causalities took place among which 10 were hazaras (shias).Nearly 2,000 hazaras were killed since 2004, and for more than 70,000 hazaras have taken precarious migration route to countries such as Australia in a bid of better and safer life. 


An incident that took place in hazara town on account of religious extremism. In the month of ramazan unknown people used to ride on motorcycle and stalk hazara girls who were residing in Alamdar road and brewrey road. They used to make videos of hazara girls which later got viral on social media. The blame shame game started and ended, when one person lost his life, though he was an innocent.


In the very beginning of new year heart wrenching incident took place at Mach, 11 coal miners were barbarically killed. These miners were out to earn bread for their families in return they were axed, as they were not humans.

The long and short of it is that it’s not only about hazaras, Pashtuns and balochs suffer in the same way. We are not safe at our own soil, our land is ruled by external actors why?. Humanity is at stake, we are tired of this bloodshed, protests and terror. If minorities are not safe which are pivotal for a vibrant and progressive society then it’s better to remove all the articles related to ethnic/minority rights from national and international conventions and constitutions.

“ Even in my home third person cannot interfere without my permission how is it possible that the state is interfered by others without its consent". 


  1. Such a great artical about innocent hazara community which are facing state terrorism .✌✊

  2. Huge respect for you Tayaba who believes in humanity more than caste discrimination who are standing with Shia Hazara people who have guts to speaks against the oppression and raise the voice for justice
    May Allah Give you reward for this 🥀🤲🏻

  3. your insight on this matter is completely on point. Appreciated!

  4. Your great work has resulted in tangible, beneficial results to us. Great job

  5. This is totally biased, but appreciated.

  6. Very well said Tayyaba. Appreciated!
    Indeed " whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity" (surah Al Ma'idah).
    We should stand against these kind of brutal unhuman killings.. We all are with our hazara brothers, they are not alone in this difficult time.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I sure hope that this will be your last Article/ blog on the persecuted Hazara residents of Quetta. Want to add that this marganalized group is being targeted not on base of Sectarianism ( Shia's) whereas upon certain other motives thats another folded chronical. Appreciating your efforts and selection of issue to highlight it to this forum is actually an experts proficiency.
    Keep Growing.
    Proud on You!


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