3:00 A:M tale.

 Tale 1 

In life, a simple truth we find,

The way we treat,may come in kind,

What goes around,comes back around,

The turning table, a truth profound.

So, in all deeds that we pursue,

Let kindness and respect shine through,

For what we give, we shall receive,

The turning table, we must believe.

Tale 2 

May you not taste the bitter fruit

Of the pain you sow in others' suit

Let your heart be a vessel of compassion

And your words be a soothing balm of redemption.

Tale 3 

Amidst the tale that you have spun,

Only your version has been sung.

If they choose to believe your voice,

My side of the story has no rejoice.

Who then will lend an ear to me,

And hear the truth that sets me free? 


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