A Call For Climate Action For Women By Women.


Why we celebrate women’s day, why we go out on roads for Aurat March

It is about celebrating women’s success and raising voice against bias. 

It is about recognizing ourselves economically,socially,politically and most importantly humanely. 

It is about our identity which has been given by our religion. 

It is about wearing clothe of confidence and walking in shoes of men.

It is about telling the world that we are born with rights.

It is about rather questioning divorcee, question why the knot ended. 

It is about that we are not a piece of flesh, to satisfy your craves. 

It is about an honor which should lie in behavior not in an organ. 

It is about appreciating, that we are givers, when we have nothing. 

It is about who you are to question women’s character. 

It is about why to compromise every time.

It is about breaking the bond of patriarchy.

It is about equity, if not equality.

It is about not to be taken for granted.

It is about not to be buried alive when we are born.

It is about to remove that so called stigma with our names.

It is about our right in inheritance, same as of men.

It is about no discrimination on the basis of gender. 

It is about living free from violence. 

It is about why inequity underpins domestic violence.

It is about to respect our physical and mental health. 

It is about if we can vote, we can also wave.

It is about No more forced marriages.

It is about our wishes and consents. 

It is about valuing our feelings, than shutting up with rejections. 

It is about listening to each other, than dissenting. 

It is about giving an impression that we do exist.

It is about to believe that we hold up half the sky.

It is about growing together, than lifting insecurities.

It is about to turn the question marks (?) into full stops.


That’s why we March! 


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