"Normalize Separations"


Its been long I have seen children been trolled on this very thing that your parents are separated. These children are already lacking confidence suffering from social anxiety. Normally in separations the one who suffered a-lot are only children because their parents are already indulged in so much hatred for each other, they don't care much for each other,  in addition they have families to support them socially, financially. But what about those children, now  their family is no more?. In such situations taunting them on every inch and pinch will demolished their social characters. In the end we all are humans before these social statuses and relations we are humans and humanity shall be upheld In each and every case. They are the same children who are indulged in immoral activities, they are the ones who are drug addicts. If parents can't understand each other what's the need of giving birth to an  unfortunate child, why you are putting their  entire life on stake?

They will neither die of hunger nor of thirst but surely will live a dead life in search of love everywhere. 

Separation is normal, however letting your child to live an abnormal life is not normal. 

Normalize Separations 


  1. Good write up.. stay blessed.πŸ‘

  2. PREAAACHHH!! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ It should be normalised and no child should suffer because of it.

  3. Keep up the good the work πŸ‘

  4. This is absolutly an extra ordinary. i mean am just shattered. Youe topic selection and its demonstration is flawless its absolute. Your words fall the reader to feel situation. Perfect keep writing and expressing

  5. Such a great artical .more power to youπŸ‘✌

  6. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


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