"Family is not always blood"


Family is not always your blood relations. Sometimes strangers get more close to us and perform those activities and duties which has to be performed by family members. If families are not present to support you emotionally, financially or socially then its useless to call them as family. Its divine phenomena, though cannot be changed but yes cannot be often consider. In every family few are financially and socially strong, few are born disable, few are born abnormal, to support each other, to stand in crucial times with one another. If you lack these qualities then sorry you are not worth to be called as a member of family. Sometimes its in shape of teachers, friends, colleagues, neighbors, CLASSMATES, but not "MAMA, CHACHA, KHALA, PUPO, COUSINS.
There were two families in this world, relatives formed blood family and friends the water family. If your blood family happened to be nice and caring, you could count your lucky stars and make the most of it; and if not, there was still hope; things could take a turn for the better once you are old enough to leave your home sour home. As for the water family, this was formed much later in life and was, to a large extent, of your own making. While it was true that nothing could take the place of a loving, happy blood family, in the absence of one, a good water family could wash away the hurt and pain collected inside like black soot. It is therefore possible for your friends to have a treasured place in your heart, and occupy a bigger space than all your kin combined. But those who had never experienced what it felt like to be spurned by their own relatives would not understand this truth in a million years.

They would never know that there were times when water ran thicker than blood. 
Being genetically related doesn't make families, loyalty, honesty, respect, support, compromise, appreciation, gratitude is what makes family.

family is not always blood  ❤❤❤


  1. Indeed family is not always blood 🩸. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Wonderful! In fact family is the basic unit of this exploitative system. In the world where everything revolves around capital relations and emotions have very little scope instead mourning on the system we shall work to oust the system.

  5. πŸ‘πŸ‘excellent 😍✌

  6. Indeed! Family requires love and respect not DNA


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