
Unseen Sacrifices

There are days when life overwhelms you with the praise of strangers. They admire your work, your existence, and the name you’ve made for yourself. Some of these strangers become cherished friends, accepted wholly with their ups and downs. Why is the world so blind to the fact that these well-wishers and selfless souls need understanding too? Some people must recognize their sacrifices—making others laugh by day and crying by night, bearing unhealed wounds and untold traumas, hiding failures beneath their successes. Their unseen struggles and boundless energy create happiness for others. Why are the smiles with aching hearts never healed? Why is the world so cruel to those who live silently, still striving despite their pain?


 In a world where friendships fray, Once close bonds now fade away. Promises broken, trust betrayed, In the aftermath, hearts dismayed. Through halls of learning, paths we tread, From strangers to friends, it's said. But for me, a different tale unfolds, Leaving behind what once felt bold. I pledged to shield, to stand as one, Yet you shattered it, one by one. Without explanation, without remorse, Leaving wounds, an unseen force. Each member fought, defended true, Yet your actions left us askew. From tying laces to shared stages bright, We stood by you, in day and night. What turned you cold, what made you stray, To soil lives in such disarray? Entering homes uninvited, hearts torn, Breaking bonds that were once sworn. Now ships adrift, stained with pain, In the wake of your selfish gain. So many hearts left bruised and sore, In the wake of the storm you bore. Yet amidst the wreckage, a glimmer shines, In the hope of healing, in love's designs. For from the ashes, new bonds may

Whispers of Love: A Mother's Prayer

  In the whispers of your scent, I find solace, Your warmth, my angel, a heavenly embrace. My prayers, a constant chorus, follow your flight, May peace surround you, as day turns to night. I trust in your spirit, to honor with grace, Women, their dignity, in every embrace. May Allah's guidance, your compass unfurl, Leading you, my dear, to the success of a pearl. With every breath, I hold onto the hope, Eid or not, the pain of distance we cope with. But in Allah's love, we find our strength anew, His mercy, a shelter, steadfast and true. If it be His will, I yield to His plan, Every ache, every pang, I understand. My precious, if change beckons from afar, May your return be as bright as a star. May envy never cloud your noble path, May truth illuminate, erasing all wrath. InshaAllah, my darling, fate's course we'll sway, Across miles, my love for you will forever stay. So, stay blessed, my little one, wherever you roam, In my heart, you'll always find a home. I love

I walked alone on an unfamiliar path

  I walked alone on an unfamiliar path, not knowing anyone or anything. Some people helped me with what I was doing, while others talked bad about me behind my back. What surprised me the most was that even the people I respected talked disrespectfully about me. It's funny when they talk about loyalty because I still keep secrets about who my real friends and enemies are. I don't like feeling sorry for myself, but I miss the times when we laughed together. I miss the old days, the old books, and everything that's now just memories. One day, I'll tell my story in a beautiful way, starting from the little kid crying in the corner, always helping others but missing out on her own happiness. Nowadays, some people pretend to be close to me when they're not really. And others praise me without really knowing me. It's funny how some people can be so easily fooled.

In Tayyaba's hands, a phone unfolds its tale.

 In Tayyaba's hands, a phone unfolds its tale, Reels and Twitter weave stories, heartaches unveil. Palestinian whispers rise from the rubble's core, Little voices call, as survival's anthem they implore. Baloch women, a march in courage displayed, Sorrow and pride, in a delicate dance portrayed. In the midst of hardship, a prideful soul unfolds, Belonging to a lineage of resilience it holds. Forget my sorrows, the world's burdens may weigh, Yet worry for friends, as serpents in shadows play. Children orphaned, yet faith steadfastly gleams, Oh Lord, infuse in me strength, like eternal streams.

In the solace of paper, my pen's embrace,

  In the stillness of the night, I'm wide awake, Silent tears trace the journey on my face. Only I bear the weight of what I've lost, The skin I wear feels worn, like a heavy cost. Success, once mine, breeds envy's seed, Friends turn to foes, like swords indeed. Longing for days of pride and love, I grapple with secrets held high above. Why my heart aches, I can't express, Each morning a storm, night a funeral dress. I laugh out loud to drown the inner scream, Seeking peace, chasing a vanishing dream. I yearn to forget the friends of yore, Mentors once revered, now a distant shore. Memories linger, a haunting wraith, I crave happiness, escape from this scathe. In the solace of paper, my pen's embrace, I confide in the pain, seeking grace. Let the mat bow my head once more, Grant me peace, my Lord, I implore 

My loved ones, falling like autumn leaves.

I've heard that autumn's grace, with leaves descending low, It made me sense that hearts in fall, like leaves, let love freely flow. A whispered call on October's fifth, a melancholy tune, Cries and sighs, they told the tale beneath the golden moon. In fleeting moments, flights elude, as time slips through our hands, Balancing work and endless exams, covering hundred-kilometer lands. Through these three years, I've seen farewells to real and feigned, I pray, may I be the first to part, as life's tapestry is re-arranged. With those radiant smiles and heartfelt calls, I wish not to yearn for, Grant me the patience to bear the loss, for in my heart, I yearn to learn. Give me the strength to stand as tall as the love my heart still brings, In the autumn of my life, as the falling leaves, my soul takes wing.